Laufzeit: 00:30:13
Camilla Boemann is sharing some informations about the AmigaOS development history and future
Erstveröffentlichung Youtube: 30.12.2023 / BBSindex.tv: 31.12.2023 / BBSindex Aufrufe: 1212

Laufzeit: 00:18:42
Trevor Dickinson from A-EON Technology shared detailed information at the Amiga 38 about producing a new PCB within the corona aftermath price hiking and what customers can expect from the new product.
Erstveröffentlichung Youtube: 26.12.2023 / BBSindex.tv: 27.12.2023 / BBSindex Aufrufe: 1061

Laufzeit: 00:46:25
Former Commodore Manager David Johne Pleasance was invited by AUGS (Amiga User Group Switzerland) to join the Vintage Computer Festival in Zürich. This is his Saturday Panel at the #VCFZH23
Recorded at Vintage Computer Festvial in Zürich 2023
Erstveröffentlichung Youtube: 25.12.2023 / BBSindex.tv: 27.12.2023 / BBSindex Aufrufe: 1329

Laufzeit: 00:22:56
At the Amiga 38 in Germany on October 2023 Mical Schulz held a panel about the PiStorm project for Commodore Amiga Retrocomputer
Erstveröffentlichung Youtube: 29.11.2023 / BBSindex.tv: 27.12.2023 / BBSindex Aufrufe: 1278

Laufzeit: 00:16:47
At the Amiga38 in Germany André (Kudrix) Kudra gave a brief overview about the Demoscene. His Panel was called:
From Underground Digital Culture to UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage
Erstveröffentlichung Youtube: 01.11.2023 / BBSindex.tv: 27.12.2023 / BBSindex Aufrufe: 1377 |